July 26, 2017

That Time I Tried to Sell Some Stuff on Craigslist...

This is a Public Service Announcement:
If you are a person who is shopping on Craigslist or a similar P2P shopping method, BE POLITE and treat the person you're (not) buying something from with RESPECT like they are an ACTUAL PERSON.

I recently had a need to sell a bunch of furniture. I'm using Craigslist, LetGo (an app), and Facebook Marketplace. And I have had the same following experiences, multiple times, with using each:...

July 21, 2017

Plastic Free July 2017, Ep 2

Well I lied about being back in one week. But I made it. Better late than never.

One of the huge things I try to do all summer long, is get as much produce as possible from farmers markets. Not only can you get most items plastic-free, but the items have a lower carbon footprint due to not traveling as far as super market produce does. 

The most important thing to remember: BYOB (bags) or else you will be putting un-packaged items into plastic bags...

July 06, 2017

Plastic Free July 2017, Ep 1

It's been a couple of years since I have documented my Plastic Free July efforts. I've been busy, OK? Well I never stopped making an effort to be plastic free year round and have added some new efforts. Let's take a look at what I've been up to in the first week:...

June 20, 2017

That Time I Went To Boston....Again....

It had been a few years since I last visited Boston and felt that it was time for another visit. Boyfriend had delared that he doesn't like Boston, so I had to set him straight.

There was a poster of the skyline at the Airport. I felt it was worth a groupie.
My strategy was to skip anything really tourist-y and instead do the weird and unique stuff....

June 12, 2017

That Time I Went to Venice...

Boyfriend told me he wanted to go on a trip. He wouldn't tell me where. Venice was amazing and beautiful.

And I came back with this:

<3 <3 <3