I was needing to dress somewhat more "professional" that I usually need to at work and I really wanted to wear a skirt and in our 30ยบ weather decided knee-high boots was the way to combat the cold. However knowing that there is a fine line between professional trashy when boots and skirts are involved, I headed to the internet.
In my quest to determine the proper way to execute this combination, I came across this webpage:
25 Things a Professional Woman Should Never Wear. Since I break almost none of them, it was oh so amusing and I decided to bring you some of the best ones. Make sure to pay special attention to the "exceptions."
This is the one that I break by wearing no make up. I actually work in a casual dress situation so I'm sure it's not as detrimental as described to myself and other women I work with, but after reading this I did decide that the days of no makeup are over for me.
I think some day, maybe for Halloween, I should break all of them.